Squirrel Costume
Come to think of it, one of the very few rodent breeds that we find adorable are squirrels. The doe-eyed little nut munching, bushy-tailed creatures are in fact rather endearing- and also, an admittedly good candidate for a Halloween or even Mascot costume. The jumpsuits, in light gray, dark gray, brown and fawn colors with their velvety tails, buck-toothed masks, and fluffy gloves along with the fake acorns are a treat to look at. The costumes of flying squirrel, sexy squirrel, as well as the ones for infants, are no less charming. Evidently, these adorable squirrel ensembles will tickle your ribs and warm your heart at the same time in a single glance- and there isn’t much more that you could need from a squirrel costume.